55 Euro


Immerse yourself in a thrilling adventure and join us in our Night Dive!

If you pay attention to your surrounding environment, almost everything changes after the sun go down.

Diving at night opens the doors to see all sorts of marine animals, such as Sea Bass, Grouper, Moray, Lobster, Craw fish, Sea Snail, fish passage, and many others depending on the season.

The temperature of the water in the Ionian Sea is the following depending on the season and months: April-July 17-20⁰C, August-October 20-28⁰C.

To participate in this dive, you should have Advanced Diver certificate or at least Night Diver certificate.

Throughout the dive, a certificated professional  dive guide will accompany you.

Price: 55 Eur/person. 

Included: 15 Lt tank, Weights & Pictures taken during the dive.

Price: 65 Eur/person. 

Included full equipment: Mask, Snorkel, Fins, Boots, Wetsuit – long 5 mm, B.C.D – jacket, Regulator with octopus, Weights, Tank 15 Lt steel 2 valve, UW Torch Led, Dive computer & Pictures taken during the dive.



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